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High Speed Rail in Australia Overview
Presentation to the US High Speed Rail Alliance


Garry's presentation to the High Speed Rail Alliance in the USA.  The Alliance is a people-powered non-profit working for stronger communities and a healthier environment through the development of fast, frequent and affordable trains.

Integrating HSR in the Sydney-Newcastle corridor

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Ross' exploration of how an integrated approach to high speed rail could be implemented in the Sydney-Newcastle corridor.

Sydney-Newcastle: Standalone, Integrated or Hybrid?

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Garry's analysis of the potential to implement high speed rail in the Sydney-Newcastle corridor with minimal integration with the existing conventional line.

Sydney-Newcastle HSR Mini-Conference Presentation

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Garry's presentation to the AuHSR Mini-Conference held in Sydney in June 2024

High Speed Planning - PIA Presentation

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Ross gave an overview of the planning implications of high speed rail to the Planning Institute of Australia Transport Forum in Sydney in June 2024.  He has also created an accompanying brief with recommended actions by governments to ensure that we maximise the benefits of investing in high speed rail in Australia.

Getting It Right

We believe that Australia needs a different approach to implement high speed rail compared with most other countries.  See our five strategies to get high speed rail right in Australia.

10 steps to implement high speed rail in Australia

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Garry, Ross and Syd have identified 10 steps to get the implementation of high speed rail in Australia moving beyond just the Sydney-Newcastle line.  These range from planning for a national network through to starting national passenger rail services and building the first section of track out from Canberra.  Fastrack has joined with the Australian High Speed Rail Association to submit these steps as budget recommendations for the 2024-25 financial year. 

Presentation to Engineers Australia

Garry presented Fastrack Australia’s approach to High-Speed Rail to a meeting of the Southern Highlands Division of Engineers’ Australia on Thursday 25th May 2023, outlining:

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Why we argue for High-Speed Rail (hint: its about decentralisation)
What High-Speed Rail means (hint: an integrated network)
Where HSR makes sense (hint: SE Australia)
How it should be built (hint: a staged approach over 30-40 years)
How do we maximise its benefits (hint: freight as well as passengers)
When should we do it (hint: start as soon as possible in the Sydney – Canberra corridor)

The presentation draws on the latest work by Fastrack Australia, including on the Sydney – Canberra corridor and on freight using high-speed rail.  If you have any questions on high-speed rail, this presentation might answer them.

Presentation to Rail Futures Institute

Presentation given by Garry and Ross at the launch of their Implementation Plan for High Speed Rail in the Sydney-Melbourne Corridor report at the Rail Futures Institute general meeting held on 24th March 2023.

The Case for High Speed Rail in Australia

A faster rail network progressively connecting all regional cities will spread Australia’s population growth into regional areas.  Most Australian’s will be better off, with greater choice of lifestyle and liveability that will only come through faster rail connections.

January 2023

Other reports of relevance

Recent reports that provide more insight to the regional settlement and economic development impacts that flow from faster rail connections, particularly the implementation of new high speed rail lines.

Fast Train Project Macro Economic Assessment July 2020

An independent assessment by the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research of the state-wide economic impacts that implementation of a fast regional commuter rail network would have on settlement patterns, economic growth, fairness and opportunity in Victoria.


Reimagining Australia's South East (2020) 

A study prepared by SGS Economics and Planning for the Committee for Melbourne recommending that better planning of land use, more integrated and efficient transportation networks and better-aligned laws and regulations along the Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane corridor would deliver a major boost to Australia's gross domestic product by 2050.


China’s Experience with High Speed Rail Offers Lessons for Other Countries (2019) 

A comprehensive study by the World Bank into the planning, business model, construction, financing and economic viability of high speed rail in China.  China has built the largest high-speed rail network in the world.  Its impacts go well beyond the railway sector, include changed patterns of urban development, increases in tourism, and promotion of regional economic growth.


High Speed Rail Study in Australia (2012)

The main report by AECOM from its strategic study of a high speed line between Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Rail as a Catalyst for Regional Growth

The Rail Futures Institute Inc. (RFI) and the Town and Country Planning Association Inc. (TCPA) jointly produced this Discussion Paper in Jan. 2022 to explore the opportunity for Victoria’s regional cities to accommodate a much larger proportion of the State’s future population growth.

Read the Report >>>​

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